Bringing joy to those in need

RED NOSES is an artistic organisation that was founded back in 1994. 

While our organisation has witnessed a great deal of change and growth since then, our core mission has always remained the same: to share the power of humour and laughter with people in need of joy.

We are, and always have been, firm believers in the positive impact of art and humour on mental health.

It’s our mission to provide psychosocial support through the art of clowning and share laughter and hope with people facing challenging circumstances.

Our core values


We continuously seek to embrace joy and look at life with a positive outlook. We believe in the beauty of all human emotions. We can laugh at ourselves and seek out the magical moments that nurture our optimism and positive awareness. 


We engage in creating new concepts using the art of clowning in our endeavours to develop novel ideas that are advantageous and meaningful to society. We welcome the unexpected and allow ourselves sufficient time to discover the perfect answer. We make a point of thinking outside the box and making creativity the driving force behind our mission.


Our stakeholders can expect the best from us as we strive for excellence. We are ambitious and professional in always going the extra mile to serve our mission. We are ambitious, professional, and always open to new challenges that encourage us to develop.


We fulfil our promises towards our stakeholders and see it as our obligation to take responsibility for all consequences of our decisions and actions. Furthermore, we take safeguarding extremely seriously to ensure that those we work with are safe and protected from harm.


By always being mindful of the needs and feelings of the people we work with, we ensure that a respectful environment is maintained. We also acknowledge the importance of earning respect and do so through our high-quality artistic interventions. We listen to and engage with the communities in which we operate. We welcome diversity and are inclusive in our approach.


We value courage and are not afraid of the unknown. We know that growth is achieved through trying new things and being open to challenging circumstances. We do not let fear or failure overcome our desire to learn and succeed. We do not take courage for granted. 


We place high value on honesty and authenticity and are always open when it comes to sharing our beliefs and emotions. Everyone we encounter is invited to be their most authentic selves without fear of judgment.

Our theory of change

Our Framework of Change identifies the problems we see in the world and describes our goals of how we want the world to look instead.
These two poles – the WORLD AS IT IS and the WORLD AS IT CAN BE – together create the ‘why’ that drives all of our programmes.

Strategy Overview 2021-2025

We stand now together as a group with another 4 years in front of us where we would like to move forward collectively and expand our mission to reach more people in need. We are ready to create an optimistic future where RED NOSES is actively taking a leading role in growing the Healthcare Clowning Movement, where our work in the healthcare sector becomes truly indispensable and where RED NOSES is bringing itself into a position to boost the change that we want to see in the world!

Therefore, over the next 4 years, we wish to develop and expand our programmes to better understand and meet the needs of our beneficiaries on the individual, the institutional and the systemic level. We want to strengthen our international organisation and develop our artistic quality further in order to reach more beneficiaries in an even deeper quality. We also would like to advance our knowledge and evidence base as well as advocate for the healthcare clowning profession.

