"Circus Smile" opened the door to the colorful clown world for children from Ukraine

Split became a temporary home for young athletes from Ukraine, and in five days of socializing, we filled it with joy, newly learned skills and smiles. At the premises of the Hotel Zagreb in Split were filled with the cheerful murmur and laughter of children from Ukraine who participated in the interactive workshops of circus skills "Circus Smile" as part of our "Local Emergency Smile" program. With this program, we bring joy and provide the necessary psychosocial support to children and adults who are in difficult and crisis situations.

The immense joy on the children's faces was present throughout the interesting workshops on the topic of circus skills. We have been using variations of this program for years with children undergoing treatment in hospitals and the elderly in homes. The children from Ukraine practiced and perfected various tricks, juggling, spinning flying saucers and ribbons, all under the watchful eye of Dr. Danica sa Skalica and Dr. Nadjimir Dobrić.

"With these activities, we divert their attention from dark thoughts and create the possibility for them to feel like children again. The workshop for circus skills helped them to move to another world, to have fun and cheer up, and what is most important, at least for a while to forget the troubles that befell them," shared Dajana Džafo, our clown doctor Danice from Skalica.

"In the implementation of the psychosocial support program for displaced children of Ukraine, the City Society of the Red Cross Split cooperates with the RED NOSES clowns and doctors, who brighten up the everyday life of children in collective accommodation with their activities. Clown doctors bring smiles back to children's faces, make everyday life more joyful and carefree, exactly as it should be in childhood. In the presence of clowns, children are relaxed, playful and happy. We want to thank them for this opportunity on behalf of the children and their parents or guardians, to whom we have been supporting since the first day," said Silvana Nikolić, head of the youth work department of GDCK Split. 

We hereby thank the Red Cross for their cooperation and all our donors who enable us to be present where joy is most needed.
