Spreading laughter since 1994

RED NOSES was founded in Austria in 1994 as a non-profit organisation.

Since then, RED NOSES has grown into an organisation with global reach. 

With eleven partner offices in different countries and a core international team, RED NOSES has worked tirelessly over the years to spread and share the power of laughter across the globe. 

Since the founding of RED NOSES, our teams have developed high ethical and artistic standards to ensure that our organisation continues to provide valuable psychosocial support. 

Today, RED NOSES is one of the largest healthcare clowning groups in the world. 

Our founders vision

  • We believe in the beauty of human emotions and strive to help people rediscover moments of happiness, especially in times and places of crisis and hardship
  • We envision the creation of a healthier and more humane world by contributing to the wellbeing of all human beings
  • With the art of philosophy of professional clowning we support society in reconnecting with joy, happiness and optimism
  • A healthy society knows how to laugh and play; people living in a healthy society are connected to each other
  • RED NOSES is a global movement with a clear focus on encouraging more joy and happiness in the world

Our local organisations

ROTE NASEN Österreich

(founded in 1994)

CRVENI NOSOVI Klaunovidoktori

(founded in 2010)


(founded in 2001)


(founded in 2010)

PIROS ORR Bohócdoktorok

(founded in 1996)


(founded in 2014)

  • Address: Sam Dawoud Naser St. Amman - Jordan
  • Tel: 0043 1 318 03 13-66
  • E-Mail: smile[at]rednoses.jo
  • Web: www.rednoses.jo

RAUDONOS NOSYS Gydytojai klounai

(founded in 2013)

RED NOSES Palestine

(founded in 2012)

  • Address: Al Manzel Street, Next to Latin Church, Birzeit, Ramallah 
  • Tel: +970 2 281 4564
  • E-Mail: smile[at]rednoses.ps
  • Web: www.rednoses.ps

CZERWONE NOSKI - Klown w Szpitalu

(founded in 2012)

ČERVENÝ NOS Clowndoctors

(founded in 2003)


(founded in 2004)

Historic milestones
of RED NOSES group
