Online presentation of our Clownexus project results
We warmly invite you to register for the online presentation of our ClowNexus project results on the 8th of February at 14:00 CET.
This event will take place on Zoom on the 8th of February 2024, from 14:00 until 16:00 CET. The event is open to anyone interested in ClowNexus.
During this meeting, we will explore the story of ClowNexus and reflect on how arts and humour, particularly the art of healthcare clowning, can be used as tools to connect and engage with children with autism and people with dementia.
We will also present the evaluation and research findings from the project and hear first-hand stories from artists and experts involved in the project.
If you’d like to attend, please enter your details here to receive a Zoom invitation:
We look forward to seeing you then!
And here is a sneak peak into one of the beautiful video portraits of ClowNexus:
“When the clowns are there, it's different." tells the story of how healthcare clowns connect with older people with Alzheimer's, sharing moments of laughter, joy and dancing.
Anita Materljan – “The Emotions Are Still the Same”
We would like to inform you that after activation of the video data is transmitted to the provider. More information can be found in our Data protection
ACTIVATE VIDEOAs part of the ClowNexus project, we collaborated with film agency NARA, to tell the stories of the artists, families, and caregivers involved with ClowNexus.
Each video portrait shares a unique perspective so be sure to catch them all over the next few weeks. Click here to see all the videos from the portrait series:
Co-funding EU and BMKÖS